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Research and Knowledge Initiative: Frequently asked questions

Application process

  • Who can apply?

    RKI accepts applications from non-governmental (not-for-profit) organizations, Canadian academic institutions, provincial, territorial, regional, municipal or Indigenous governments, and private (for-profit) organizations, as well as international not-for-profits.

    Multiple organizations that come together to advance a project must identify a clear lead and explain the roles of each partner.

    Consult "Who can apply?" section of the Applicant Guide for specific details on eligible applicants.

  • How do I create an account in the application portal?

    To create an Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada (HICC) applicant account on the HICC Funding Portal to access the RKI application form:

    • Visit the HICC Applicant Portal. Scroll down to Research and Knowledge Initiative (RKI).
    • Under "You don't have an account" click Register. Confirm you have read the Privacy Notice Statement.
    • Register for a new account by providing a valid e-mail address as well as creating a password.
    • Complete all necessary fields under "Profile". At the last question "Do you belong to an existing Organization":
      • For applicants who have previously applied to an HICC program should have an existing profile created using information provided in previous applications. Select Yes to "Do you belong to an existing Organization" and an "Existing Organization Name" drop down list will appear. Once you find your organization's name, click Save.
        • Important note for existing organizations: the person who registered the organization will have to review and approve your account in order to give you access to the portal. If you are unaware of who this person is within your organization, or if you do not want your application to be accessible to them, please create a new organization specifying your department or faculty in the name of the organization.
      • For new applicants, select No to "Do you belong to an existing Organization". Click Save and scroll up to select Create New Organization and fill in the required fields including: the organization's full legal name, contact information, organization address and organization type. Click Save. Once "Save is successful" prompt appears activate your account by logging out and return to the sign in page. Please note that you may get an error message if you do not complete this step.
        • As the first person in your organization to register for an HICC Applicant Portal account, you will automatically be the primary contact for your organization's account and be assigned the role of Account Administrator/Owner and can approve access to other members within your organization and assign account capabilities.
  • Who could I contact if I require support with accessing my account?

    If you are still having trouble accessing your account, contact support services by clicking on HICC support on the bottom left corner of any page within the Applicant Portal. If, at any time, your account is inaccessible, please email the support team at and copy in your email.

  • Can multiple organizations submit a joint application?

    Yes, the Research and Knowledge Initiative is intended to build and share knowledge and for this reason, partnerships are important to the program and are encouraged. Multiple organizations that come together to advance a project must identify a clear lead and explain the roles of each partner when applying.

    Please note that if a project with multiple entities were successful, a contribution agreement would be signed with only the lead applicant, who would be responsible for coordinating all project activities including expense claims, reimbursements and reporting with the other project participants. 

  • Can one institution put forth more than one application?

    An institution can put forth multiple applications for different projects. 

  • Can I reapply to the RKI if my project was not selected in a previous call for proposals?

    Yes, applicants may apply again. If resubmitting a previous application, applicants are encouraged to ensure that their project meets all of the program eligibility requirements outlined in the Applicant Guide.

  • Are there additional steps required for applicants from Quebec?

    Applicants from Quebec follow the same application process.

    If a project is selected for funding, some organizations in Quebec may be subject to provisions under the Loi sur le ministère du Conseil Exécutif, Chapitre M-30 (M-30) and it will be the responsibility of each applicant to determine whether M-30 applies to them, to comply with M-30, and to obtain the appropriate authorization, as applicable, from the Government of Quebec prior to being able to sign an agreement and receive funding from the RKI.

Project eligibility

  • What types of projects are eligible for the RKI call for proposals?

    The RKI will be funding research and data projects that focus on applied research projects that include or examine specific interventions and contribute to solutions for addressing Canadian housing and infrastructure needs. Research projects of particular interest will be those that investigate innovative and practical solutions – especially related to housing but may also address other infrastructure issues for communities – that respond to key concerns such as affordability, equity in access and/or adaptability to changing needs, including climate change, and demographic change.

    Priorities for this phase of research will focus on projects that:

    • Test or evaluate solutions on a pilot basis, or undertake proof of concept analysis to study solutions in action, with robust methodology;
    • Investigate replication or scalability of solutions in different provinces, municipalities, communities or regions;
    • Develop and assess the application of new science, data or technology; or
    • Extract and evaluate lessons and uptake feasibilities from practical innovations including those developed outside of Canada.

    Further details on eligible activities as well as eligible and ineligible costs associated with the research projects can be found in the Applicant Guide.

  • What is the timing of projects?

    Funded projects and their activities must be scoped for completion between Summer 2024 and March 31, 2026. As no funding is confirmed for the RKI after this period, project extensions are unlikely to be considered.


  • Are overhead costs considered eligible expenses, and if so, is there a limit?

    Overhead costs related to a project can be calculated as part of eligible expenses under the RKI but should not exceed 10% of total costs and must be directly related to the proposed project. More information about other costs can be found in the RKI Applicant Guide under "eligible costs".

  • What are the minimum and maximum funding requirements for projects?

    Total proposed project costs should be a minimum of $200,000 across the full period of the project to be considered under this call for proposals. The maximum amount of RKI funding that can be provided to a recipient in one fiscal year is $1,000,000.

    Further information on funding is provided in the Applicant Guide.

  • Does the minimum of $200,000 refer to the project's overall minimum total cost or to the minimum amount requested from Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada?

    Projects that are eligible for funding must have a minimum total project cost of $200,000. The amount requested from Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada may be less, according to the stacking provisions.

  • How does the stacking and cost-sharing work?

    The Research and Knowledge Initiative is intended to build and share knowledge and for this reason, partnerships are important to the program. The maximum level of total federal funding for any eligible activity shall not exceed 70% of total eligible expenditures. At least 30% of total eligible project costs must be supported by a non-federal funding source; this may include funds provided in cash or in-kind from the applicant themselves as well as any other non-federal partners.

    Exceptions are projects led by an Indigenous organization and/or the Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut governments, in which case the maximum level of federal government funding may be up to 100% of total eligible costs.

    Detailed information on eligible activities and project costs is provided in the Applicant Guide.

  • Is time spent by the researcher working on the project an eligible in-kind contribution?

    The 30% from non-federal sources can be in the form of cash contribution or in-kind. The time of a researcher (i.e., their salary) is eligible as an in-kind contribution if it is:

    • Provided by the primary or secondary applicant and not a third party;
    • Deemed essential to the project's success;
    • Otherwise required to be purchased or paid for by the applicant in delivering the project; and
    • Able to be measured using an established costing methodology. 

Project selection and approval

  • How will projects be selected?

    Applications will first go through an eligibility check to ensure that they contain all the information required in the application form, and meet the Requirements outlined in the Applicant Guide. Applications that are incomplete or fail to meet the eligibility criteria will not be given further consideration.

    Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada will then evaluate eligible applications based on the selection criteria found in Table 1 of the Applicant Guide. Projects should:

    • Be relevant to the Canadian context for housing and infrastructure needs and challenges, and aligned to the priorities identified for this call as well as the mandate of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada;
    • Conduct robust, quality research employing appropriate expertise and evidence-based methodologies;
    • Engage stakeholders and share knowledge by building partnerships, reinforcing uptake and conducting knowledge-sharing activities; and,
    • Deliver results and demonstrate sound stewardship of resources.

    Other considerations (such as regional balance and diversity of projects or approaches) may also be applied when selecting projects.

    All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application assessment.

  • Can you comment on my project's eligibility or chances of success?

    With respect to specific project ideas, we are not able to offer detailed feedback on eligibility or merit since this determination will be made in the context of reviewing the full application.   

    Projects will be assessed in terms of their eligibility, as well as against merit criteria of relevance, quality, knowledge-sharing and engagement, and delivery. Other considerations (such as regional balance and diversity of projects or approaches) may also be applied when selecting projects. 

    The full eligibility and merit criteria can be found in our Applicant Guide.

  • When can selected projects begin incurring costs?

    Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada will contact all applicants once the assessments are completed. If a project is selected for funding, costs become eligible as of the date of the project Approval-in-Principle letter from the Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities.

    Costs incurred prior to the date of this letter, as well as all expenditures related to contracts signed prior to the date of this letter, are ineligible for reimbursement.

  • Who can I contact if I need more assistance with my application?

    You can contact us directly by email at Please allow up to 3 business days for a response.

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